
  • Ph.D. student in Deep Learning and Medical Image Processing

    University of Rennes 1 | Rennes, France | Oct. 2021 - Sept. 2024

    Subject: Mitigating and exploring anaytical variability of fMRI results using representation learning

    ▮ Analytical variability in neuroimaging, medical image analysis, statistical learning, deep learning, etc.

    Supervised by Camille Maumet & Elisa Fromont.

  • Master's degree in Bioinformatics & Genomics

    University of Rennes 1 | Rennes, France | Sep. 2019 - Jul. 2021

    Major: IBI, Informatics & Integrative Biology

    ▮ Final rank: 1/17. Average grade: 17.346.

  • Medical studies

    University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ) | Montigny-le-Btx, France | Sep. 2015 - Jun. 2019

    ▮ PACES, 1st year common to health studies: succeeded in one year, rank: 73/852;

    ▮ 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of medical studies

Research experience

  • Visiting PhD student - Improving rs-fMRI-derived biomarkers of Parkinson's Disease through analytical variability evaluations

    Big Data Infrastructures for Neuroinformatics lab, Concordia University and the ORIGAMI lab, McGill University | Montreal (QC), Canada | Aug. 2023 - Nov. 2023

    ▮ Reproduction and replication of a study using rs-fMRI and machine learning;

    ▮ Variations in the methodology and data;

    ▮ Assessment of the effect of these variations in the performance.

    Supervised by JB Poline and Tristan Glatard.

  • PhD student - Representation learning for more reproducible fMRI data analyses

    Empenn research unit, Univ Rennes, CNRS, Inria, Inserm, IRISA | Rennes, France | Oct. 2021 - ??

    ▮ Exploring and understanding the fMRI pipeline space through machine learning algorithms;

    ▮ Development and use of standard deep learning method to limit the impact of analytical variability.

    Supervised by Dr. Camille Maumet and Prof. Elisa Fromont.

  • M2 Internship - Evolution of analytical variability with sample size in fMRI data analyses

    Empenn research unit, Univ Rennes, CNRS, Inria, Inserm, IRISA | Rennes, France | Jan. 2021 - Jul. 2021

    ▮ Reproduction of existant fMRI data analyses pipelines;

    ▮ Use of comparison metrics to evaluate analytical variability;

    ▮ Impact of the number of subjects in this variability.

    Supervised by Camille Maumet.

  • M1 Internship - Development of an R/Shiny app for tissue section image quantitative analysis

    Center of immunology of Marseille-Luminy (CIML) | Marseille, France | Apr. 2020 - Jul. 2020

    ▮ Tissue section microscopy images analysis with ImageJ;

    ▮ Development of an R/Shiny app that gives an interaction between an intensity scatterplot and the image.

    Supervised by Hugues Lelouard & Mathieu Fallet.

  • Discovery Internship - Machine Learning for Bioinformatics

    MAP5 Laboratory, University Paris Descartes | Paris, France | Jun. 2019

    ▮ Initiation to statistical learning in Python applied to bioinformatics on biological data;

    ▮ Internship done in prevision of a shift in career path to bioinformatics.

    Supervised by Warith Harchaoui.


  • Summer School on Affordable Artificial Intelligence (SAAI)

    AGYA | Bonn, Germany | July 2024

    ▮ Practical sessions of Python programming for data science and machine learning, statistics and mathematics.

    ▮ TP: 10h.

  • L2 ISTN - Data science

    ISTIC, University of Rennes | Rennes, France | Feb. 2023 - May. 2023

    ▮ Initiation to data management, visualization, modelisation (linear regression, statistical testing, time series, etc.) using R.

    ▮ TP: 24h.

  • M2 SIBM - UE3 Exploiting massive and complex data

    UFR Medicine, University of Rennes | Rennes, France | Feb. 2023 - May. 2023

    ▮ Explanations of the notion of pipeline, analytical variability, good practices of publication, etc.

    ▮ CM: 3h, one group of 12 students.

  • L1 ISTN - Professional project and communication

    ISTIC, University of Rennes | Rennes, France | Feb. 2023 - May. 2023

    ▮ Tutorial to use LibreOffice.

    ▮ TP: 8h, one group of 40 students.

  • L1 ISTN - Principles of computer systems

    ISTIC, University of Rennes 1 | Rennes, France | Feb. 2023 - May. 2023

    ▮ Analysis of the operation of several computer systems and various principles, such as the principle of locality, and an introduction to measuring the capacities of these systems and to the notion of quantity of information.

    ▮ TP: 28h, one group of 40 students.

  • M2 IL - Machine Learning

    ISTIC, University of Rennes 1 | Rennes, France | Nov. 2022 - Dec. 2023

    ▮ Initiation to machine learning in Python using scikit-learn and Keras.

    ▮ TP: 10h per year, one group of 10 students. Course given in Fall 2022 and 2023.

  • L1 BECV - Mathematics for biology

    UFR SVE, University of Rennes 1 | Rennes, France | Sep. 2021 - Apr. 2022

    ▮ TD: 3h per week, 2 groups of 40 students. Statistics, probability laws...

    ▮ TP: 3h per week, 2 groups of 20 students. Learning of Python programming language with biologic applications.

  • Initiation to creative programming with Python

    L codent, L créent initiative in College Le Landry | Rennes, France | Sep. 2021 - Dec. 2021

    ▮ Creative programming with the package "processing" in Python.

    ▮ 45min sessions, once a week during 8 weeks for girls only (13-14 yo).

    ▮ More information here:

  • Tutorials in Biostatistics

    Paris Ouest Tutorat | Montigny-le-Btx, France | Sep. 2016 - Jan. 2017

    ▮ Courses for PACES students (preparing 1st year common to health studies competition);

    ▮ Writing & corrections of mock exams.

  • Tutorials in Mathematics

    Sep. 2016 - Jul. 2018

    ▮ For pupiles aged from 13 to 16 years old;

    ▮ Preparation of the baccalaureat with a Term. S student (Scientific track).


  • Thibault Chanus - ENS Rennes

    Oct. 2023 - Current

    ▮ M2 Internship on diffusion models for style transfer. Co-supervised with Pr. Elisa Fromont.

  • Maïwenn Fleig - University of Düsseldorf

    Apr. 2023 - July 2023

    ▮ M2 Internship on the use of diffusion models on fMRI statistic maps. Co-supervised with Pr. Elisa Fromont.


  • Student member of the council doctoral school Matisse

    Sept. 2022 - Current

    ▮ Involved in meetings of the doctoral school council (3-4 per year).

    ▮ Communication and support to other PhD students.

Professional skills

Python (data science, deep learning)

Neuroimaging software packages: SPM, FSL









  • ▮ Travelling and hiking.

    ▮ Sport: running, weight training, swimming.

    ▮ Cooking.